Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Sassy Girl - Part II

I realize I wrote about this same film just a few posts ago. People may think I love it and guys will be saying that if I write twice about some chick flick I must be gay. Well, I enjoyed "My Sassy Girl" the proper amount and I'm not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), but in the case of this post it could be replaced by any movie in the same genre.

Romantic comedies usually have happy endings. "My Sassy Girl" (little spoilers ahead) tells the story of a guy who meets a girl in the subway. They date for a while and due to some stuff that happened in the girl's past they have to take a break. Of course, after two or three years, through a few coincidences, they end up meeting again and living happily ever after. Beautiful. Love overcomes everything and if a couple is meant to be together, it doesn't matter what the difficulties are, the world will conspire for that to happen.

It seemed to be the case for Patrick Moberg and Camille Hayton. In November of 2007, Patrick saw Camille in the subway (the "My Sassy Girl" connection) in NY. He was gathering the courage to go talk to her when she disappeared in the crowd. He launched a search for her in the internet, based on a sketch he made of the situation. Like in a romantic comedy, he found her. Like in a romantic comedy, they got together.

For two months.

If their life was a romantic comedy, they'd be together now. They'd be in love with each other forever. Because romantic comedies are are supposed to have happy endings.

Well, just too bad that Patrick and Camille live in the real world.

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